Selected Articles

See my CV for a full list of publications.

Meaning and Modularity: The Multivalence of “Mechanism” in Sociological Explanation. Carly R. Knight and Isaac Ariail Reed. Sociological Theory. 37 (3): 234-256, 2019.

Performative State-formation in the Early American Republic. American Sociological Review. 84 (2): 334-367, 2019.

The King’s Two Bodies and the Crisis of Liberal Modernity. The Hedgehog Review, 21 (3), 2019.

Jefferson’s Two Bodies: Interpretations of a Statue at the University of Virginia. pp. 64-84 in #Charlottesville: Before and Beyond. New York: Public Seminar Books, 2018.

Agency, Power, Modernity: A Manifesto for Social Theory. with Michael Weinman. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 6(1): 6-50, 2018.

Chains of Power and Their RepresentationSociological Theory, 35 (2): 87-117, 2017.

Hartmut Rosa’s Project for Critical Theory. Thesis Eleven, 133 (1): 122-129, 2016.

Between Structural Breakdown and Crisis Action: Interpretation in the Whiskey Rebellion and the Salem Witch Trials. Critical Historical Studies. 3(1): 27-64, 2016.

What is Interpretive Explanation in Sociohistorical Analysis? pp. 42-67 in Inheriting Gadamer: New Directions in Philosophical Hermeneutics, edited by Georgia Warnke. Edinburgh University Press.

Can There be a Bourdieusian Theory of Crisis? History and Theory, 54 (2): 269-276, 2015.

Deep Culture in Action: Resignification, Synecdoche, and Metanarrative in the Moral Panic of the Salem Witch Trials, Theory and Society, 44(1): 65-94, 2015.

The Unsettlement of Communities of Inquiry, with Mayer N. Zald in Theorizing in the Social Sciences, edited by Richard Swedberg, Stanford University Press, 2014.

Charismatic Performance: A study of Bacon’s Rebellion. American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 1 (2): 1-35, 2013.